COVID-19 Protection

Our offices are OPEN to provide essential and critical care to our orthopaedic patients. To limit the spread and exposure to COVID-19, and based on guidance from the CDC and government agencies, we have put in place a limited schedule in our offices, to see patients with urgent problems.

To help ALL of our patients, we are set-up and available to offer our patients Telemedicine Visits.

Telemedicine allows our Physicians and medical providers to deliver convenient care through audio and video technology in real time to you.

A Telemedicine Visit is simple to arrange. Once scheduled, you will receive a text message and email that provides you a link to login securely and access your appointment via your smart Phone, smart device, laptop or desktop computer.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to schedule appointments for either an office visit or a Telemedicine Visit please call us at (786) 746-8060.

Dr. Alejandro Pino Patients,

The health and wellbeing of our patients, staff, and community is our first priority. Amidstgrowing concern around Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are taking all the CDC and IDPHrecommendations and precautions to prevent viral transmission to ensure your safety in ourfacilities.

What Dr. Alejandro Pino is Doing

Prevention Screening

  • Our staff will be contacting all patients prior to their scheduled office visits in order toreiterate and confirm a health status check as recommended by the CDC.
  • Patients presenting with COVID-19 symptoms - fever, cough and/or shortness ofbreath - will be rescheduled per CDC guidelines and their referring MD will be notified.
  • Those Patients who fall into a "high risk" category, including patients who havetravelled to known COVID-19 "hotspots", even if they are asymptomatic, will be askedto reschedule their appointment 14 days from the date of their current appointment.
  • Out of an abundance of caution, Dr. Alejandro Pino will be recommending that patients over the age of 65, as well as patients with knownimmunocompromised conditions such as Cancer and Diabetes, consider reschedulingtheir appointments as well.


  • We always follow the highest level of OSHA sanitization guidelines. We haveenhanced these preventative measures in order to protect our staff, patients and thecommunity at large against any additional risk factors associated with the spread ofCOVID-19.

Health Status Monitoring

  • We have initiated an "Active Monitoring Schedule" for all staff Members to ensure thatour responsibility towards your scheduled visit starts long before you walk through ourdoors. Through active and consistent self monitoring, we will contribute to maintainingthe highest possible levels of risk mitigation while providing essential musculoskeletalhealth services for you during this national emergency.

Scheduled Surgeries

  • In accordance with changes in hospital policy, your surgeon may be contacting you toreschedule or postpone current elective procedures

Additional CDC Resources

Dr. Alejandro Pino is providing the following information for you from the CDCand other reliable sources regarding COVID-19. These links are available so you can beinformed and have the most current and relevant information.

  • How It Spreads
  • Symptoms
  • Prevention and Treatment
  • Protecting Your Home
  • What To Do If You Are Sick

We appreciate everyone's support and understanding as we help care for you and at thesame time keep our community healthy.


Dr. Alejandro Pino

  • American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • jackson memorial hospital
  • Foot & Ankle International
  • Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
  • university miami
  • Hospital for Special Surgery
  • My Footcare MD